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Pastoral Emergencies: 908-722-9265



And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting -(Acts 2:2)

October 2022

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Stewardship 2023 Campaign

Faith in our Future: A Stewardship Program of Sharing To Keep Our Church Living and Growing

Thank you to those who have already returned their pledge card or made a pledge online—you have started the momentum of a great campaign. Let’s keep it going!

Please contact the Parish Office if you have not received a pledge card. Pledging is our commitment to make a financial gift that supports the mission and programs of St. John’s. All pledges are important, regardless of the amount.

We invite everyone to spend time praying with God about your response. You can return your pledge card in the Alms Basin or to the Parish Office. In addition, you can complete an online pledge form on the web site https://stjohnsomerville.org/pledge-card-form/

We ask that you prayerfully consider making a financial pledge for 2022, using the pledge card included with this mailing. Please join others in our congregation in doing what love requires of us.

Our hope is to gather completed pledge forms by Thanksgiving so that we can enter 2023 financially secure and able to plan the programs and activities that embody our church mission “To Know Christ and Make Him Known.” May we count you in?

Faithfully yours,

The Stewardship Committee:

Christine Bean, Dee Britt, Mark Hernandez, Devron Robinson, Marianne Salanik, Linda and Harold Willard


Contact us!

Telephone: 908-722-1250
Email: mtrautman@stjohnsomerville.org

The Heart of a Pledge Stewardship is:

  • Good News ~ God has given us creative power and we are entrusted to manage this power to re-create the world in the image and likeness of God.
  • Thanksgiving ~ We give thanks to God for all that we have been given and respond by sharing what we have with others.
  • Commitment ~ Are our beliefs reflected in our commitments? How we actually spend our time, talent and treasure is a telling sign of our spiritual life and our stewardship.
  • Joy ~ Through stewardship and sharing we discover our time worth. It brings us closer to God. We feel more grounded and experience deep joy.

As you consider your stewardship of God’s creation:

Your stewardship, how you give of your time, talent and treasure, is a personal decision.

  • Pray ~ Ask God to give you a clear vision of the prudent management of the resources you control.
  • Listen ~ Communication with God in prayer goes both ways, if we let it.
  • Observe ~ Evaluate what you have compared to the majority of people in the world.
  • Decide ~ Determine what portion of your resources should be returned to God for the benefit of others, in Christ’s name.
  • Remember ~ Your commitment is based on your situation now. If your situation changes, it is appropriate that your pledge changes also.
  • Offer ~ Present your pledge of money to God at the Altar and offer your pledge of time and talent through participating all year long.

Fr. Ron Pollock

A Stewardship Prayer


Loving God, we thank you for the rich abundance in our lives. Open our eyes to see that, in being so blessed, we can in turn abundantly bless others. Open our hearts to feel the powerful generosity of your Spirit and let go of our fear and judgment. Open our ears to hear the needs of this church and community. Open our minds that, whenever called, we offer the world our measureless Love, our generous time, our unique talents and treasure. Quicken our hands to your service, breathe your Spirit into us and touch us with the life of Christ.



“Leaning Forward 2021” – As our St. John’s Stewardship Campaign for 2021,

“Leaning Forward,” enters its second month, we ask you to please take a

moment to view testimonials from 5 devoted members of our parish


Bobbi Agins on Stewardship

Testimonial 1

Alicia Gilmartin on Stewardship

Testimonial 2

Harold Willard on Stewardship

Testimonial 3

Steve Mandraccia on Stewardship

Testimonial 4

Testimonial 5

Testimonial 5